Fellowships for Threatened Scholars Worldwide | Scholar Rescue Fund


The Scholar Rescue Fund (IIE-SRF) is the only global program that provides financial support and fellowships for threatened and displaced scholars at higher education institutions. The annual fellowships offer $25,000, allowing scholars to continue their academic work safely.

Statement on sudan

We are closely monitoring the crisis in Sudan and stand in solidarity with the Sudanese people. We are prepared to assist threatened scholars from Sudan if needed.

Eligibility Criteria

Applications are accepted from professors and researchers facing threats that prevent them from working in their home countries. Preference is given to those with a Ph.D. and a record of published research. We encourage applications from women and underrepresented groups.

How to Apply

olars can apply by sending required documents to srf@iie.org. Required materials include an application form, CV, academic statement, personal statement, and reference letters.


plications are accepted on a rolling basis, with fellowships awarded quarterly.

For more information and to apply, please visit the IIE-SRF website

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